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About Annik & Grant


As creative disruptors and cultural co-creatives, our life’s mission is to catalyze awakening and conscious evolution. As visionaries and rebels with a cause, we rattle complacency in the best ways possible! We strive to awaken you to re-remember WHO you are in in your truest essence, inspiring you to reach deep within to call forth your highest and best self possible!


We feel honoured to rise to the occasion precisely because, in all our years as truth seekers, we have always intuitively known that you are WAY more than a consumer. As empaths, intuitives, and spiritual seekers since time immemorial, we believe that you are destined for the greatness and magnificence that is your true birthright! We use your sacred crisis, whatever it may be, as your unique gateway to the unveiling and unravelling of your greatest gifts and life purpose.


Highly inquisitive and curious by nature, we are eager to dive deep into uncharted territory and foreign landscapes. Whether we are working with you; orchestrating a bold international move from Toronto, ON to Indianapolis, IN in 1996; embarking upon a vision quest to attract the very best Waldorf Schools for our then young son in a number of moves in 2003-2016 from Eastern to Western Canada; envisioning and/or acclimatizing to all types of change in our lives, including: work; family life; finances; coping with significant loss; dealing with life stage transitions and the reality of aging parents; or enjoying artistic adventurous and travels of all kinds ~ we are true alchemists who have the art of orchestrating change and managing transitions down to a science!


We believe that we are all here to grow, transform, evolve our consciousness to become our own unique expressions of our very best and highest selves! We are grateful to live our lives as the grand and colourful adventure that it was truly destined to be. We feel deeply honoured to share our extensive wealth of knowledge and professional experience with you. As Pablo Picasso said: ‘The purpose of life is to discover our gifts; the meaning of life is to share them.’


In the words of Brene Brown, we have ‘dared greatly’ in our blessed 30+ years of marriage. So much so that, as Jungian psychoanalyst, Marion Woodman says, we feel that 'we have lived FIVE marriages ALL in ONE!' Ours is a beautiful marriage of rich cultural ancestry and heritage. Grant is of Eastern Polish and Western Russian descent, from villages that, sadly, no longer exist for Jews because of the Holocaust. Annik prides herself in the exotic beauty, vibrancy, and effervescence of her Middle-Eastern roots in N. Africa. While Grant brings quieter, grounded ‘Rock of Gibraltar’ energy, and an adventuresome spirit, Annik is the quintessential extrovert. She is affable, energetic, creative, expressive, and deep.


The most beautiful expression of our love and co-creation ever is, without a doubt, our very dear son, Nathaniel! We are ever so proud and grateful to witness our beloved and beautiful son, now in his 20s, successfully launched in his life, as the loving, strong, independent, emotionally resilient, talented, and gifted young man that he is!


Our family is proud to have made Western Canada our home since 2003. As outdoor enthusiasts with an affinity for nature’s majesty, our passion and appreciation for the inspirational beauty of Western Canadian landscapes, mountains, and oceanfront vistas, remains as true today, as it was twenty years ago. In our leisure time, we can often be found indulging our passion for the great outdoors. We enjoy hiking, kayaking, cycling, playing golf, tennis, boardgames, skiing, and snowshoeing. We also find much joy and pleasure simply hanging out together, and hosting gatherings with family and friends. We also love to pursue our passions for fitness, writing, music, dance, the performing arts, and enjoy all things conscious, through our life-long learning and dedication to the practice of meditation, spirituality, metaphysics, the culinary arts, and holistic health.


Together, we weave a rich tapestry of a combined 40+ years of personal and professional experience. We share a wealth of knowledge in the realms of conscious leadership, mindful parenting, alternative education, creativity, metaphysics, spirituality, energy work, holistic health, homeopathy, and herbology.


Our rich and diverse array of collective professional experience includes: psychotherapy, coaching, leadership development, holistic wellness, energy medicine, women’s empowerment, men’s empowerment, expressive arts facilitation, organizational development consulting, change management, life and business coaching, business management, entrepreneurialism, community development, non-profit governance, public speaking, international marketing, and content writing. Ultimately, we find our most meaningful and fulfilling expression in creative work that centres on an integration of nature, energy healing, holistic wellness, expressive arts, transpersonal psychology.


The inspiration to use the expressive arts in service to healing stems from our 30+ year love affair and deep appreciation for the expressive and performing arts. We have a passion for the unique role the Arts play in inspiring, challenging, and elevating humanity. As multi-potentialites, Grant is a published singer/songwriter who recorded his beautifully acclaimed CD in 2002 titled ‘Waldo Wants to Wake up the World’. In 2014, Grant published his book of poetry, and was a part of a consortium of authors who published An Anthology of Men’s Empowerment Stories, Volumes II and IV.


Without any professional training in music or the performing arts, I daringly flung myself into singing sultry jazz numbers. I then boldly tempted fate by singing in my first opera as a mezzo-soprano -- to rave reviews! I will also confess to harbouring a not-so-secret love affair over the past ten years with my Authentic Movement, Ecstatic Dance, and 5 Rhythms Dance practice. In other seasons of my life, I enjoyed serving as lead principal in two short films. My deepest life-long passion is her writing, having successfully published a number of articles, short stories, and written various works of creative non-fiction, as well as a screenplay ~ all of which are at various stages of development. I am now excited to be writing my first book, an enchanting coming-of-age tale about a woman who finally reveals her raw, gritty secret to heal her Sacred Feminine and reclaim the artist within! Stay tuned for launch details.


​Over the years, we have been invited to share our teachings around the Art of Sacred Relationship. It would take us an extraordinary five-month spiritual sabbatical in 2015, and a temporary conscious uncoupling experience in 2017, to prepare us to rise to the occasion!


We have a deep passion and appreciation for life, family, wellness, the arts, and this beautiful natural world of ours. Think of us as a multi-talented duo who uniquely blend wise old ancestral Medicine Woman & Man energy, body-centred healing and/or expressive arts modalities along with all that counselling, coaching and holistic wellness we have to offer! In service to your healing, we are excited to serve you at Healing Works Counselling!


​Together, healing happens!


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