What Annik Offers You

Annik Moyal-Waldman, M.Ed., Hons. B.A Psychology/Philosophy
Feminine Leadership Coach, Spiritual Counsellor, & Writer
Areas of Specialization:
▪ Catalyzing Women's Awakening & Cultural Evolution
▪ Healing of Co-Dependency/Grief & Loss
▪ Self-Love, Self-Care, Self-Worth via Energy Work, Holistic Medicine,
& the Expressive Arts
Have self-abandonment, co-dependency, perfectionism, and abuse dampened your zest for life, or otherwise left you feeling dissatisfied by the diminished quality of your life? Do you feel confused, disappointed, and frustrated, aware that your life isn't unraveling in quite the ways you’d hoped? Perhaps you’ve struggled to resolve these nagging issues on your own, only to run into significant challenges. Are you curious to explore how the healing and expressive arts can be enlisted to claim your fullest joy, freedom, and power, while rising as a force for good in the world?
Welcome to your transformative journey of self-discovery!
As a client-centred feminine leadership coach & spiritual teacher, I help you heal the underlying emotions sabotaging your self-worth. Working from a deeply respectful, empowering, heart-centred place, the cornerstone of my therapeutic work is a mindfulness-based mind-body-spirit model. I offer you a safe, sacred, virtual space that is strengths-based and resiliency-building.
If you seek a highly skilled, trauma-informed practitioner who can offer you hope and healing through your emotional pain, loss, and grief… someone who can inspire you in your journey towards greater self-love, self-care, and self-worth… I'd be honored to assist you in re-scripting a new story for your life - one with a happier ending of YOUR choice!
Together, healing happens!
Grant M. Waldman, PhD Eco-Psychology Candidate, MA, CCC (12782), CIAS III